Friday 17 February 2017

Vocab from: Newspaper- 17 February, 2017

Vocabulary in the Article-
Underscores (रेखांकित)
Meaning - 
a line drawn under a word or phrase for emphasis (Noun)
underline (something) (Verb)
Synonyms - highlight, indicate
Example - When the teacher reviewed the essay with her student, she went out of her way to underscore the paper’s best features.

Catapults (कैटापोल्ट्स)
Meaning - 
a forked stick with an elastic band fastened to the two prongs, used by children for shooting small stones (Noun)
hurl or launch (something) with or as if with a catapult (Verb)
- launch, fling
Example - 
At the first sound of the alarm clock, I catapult out of bed and race through my morning chores.

Reckon (मानना) - Verb
Meaning - 
establish by calculation
Synonyms - 
calculate, account
Antonyms - abandon, cancel
Example - 
The news forecasters reckon a huge blizzard will soon hit our city.

Stratospheric (समताप मंडल) - Adjective
Meaning - 
relating to the layer of the earth's atmosphere above the troposphere, extending to about 50 km above the earth's surface
Synonyms - 
extreme, inordinate
Example -
 The hotel charged stratospheric prices for a simple cooked breakfast.

Transcended (पार) - Verb
Meaning - 
be or go beyond the range or limits of (a field of activity or conceptual sphere)
Synonyms - 
eclipse, transform
Antonyms - surrender, fail
Example - 
The athlete hoped the increased training would allow him to transcend Olympic records.

Unbridled (निरंकुश) - Adjective
Meaning - 
uncontrolled, unconstrained
Synonyms - 
uncontrolled, crazy
Antonyms - restrained
Example - 
They unbridled their horses and tied them to trees.

Spearheaded (जुट) - Verb
Meaning - 
lead (an attack or movement)
Synonyms - 
initiate, launch
Antonyms - finish, discourage
Example - 
She became the spearhead of a health education programme.

Inculcate (अन्तर्निविष्ट करना) - Verb
Meaning - 
instill (an idea, attitude, or habit) by persistent instruction
Synonyms - 
impart, instill
Antonyms - learn, neglect
Example - 
My father spent most of his life trying to inculcate me with his values!

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