Tuesday 21 February 2017

Vocab from: Newspaper- 21 February, 2017

Dear Readers,
In all the competitive exams, Vocabulary questions are asked from newspapers. So, here we're going to post VOCABULARY BASED ON THE HINDU NEWSPAPER.

Click for Article: Smoke on the water

Vocabulary in the Article -
  • Plume (पंख) 
    Meaning -
     a long, soft feather or arrangement of feathers used by a bird for display or worn by a person for ornament (Noun)
    spread out in a shape resembling a feather (Verb)
     boast, presume
    Antonyms - 
    be modest, deprecate
    Example - 
    Smoke plumed from the chimneys.
  • Rampant (अनियंत्रित) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    (especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked
     excessive, raging
    Antonyms - 
    gentle, moral
    Example - 
    Sadly, the Internet has made it easier for the rampant spread of false information.
  • Encroachment (अतिक्रमण) - NounMeaning - intrusion on a person's territory, rights, etc
    - intrusion, invasion
    Example - 
    Urban encroachment of habitat.
  • Effluents (अपशिष्ट) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    liquid waste or sewage discharged into a river or the sea
    Synonyms - derivation, escape
    Antonyms - completion, consequence
    Example - 
    Since the poor village could not afford a water treatment system, their effluent became contaminated from human and animal excrement.
  • Deliberate (जानबूझकर) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    done consciously and intentionally (Adjective)
    engage in long and careful consideration (Verb)
    Synonyms - 
    careful, cautious
    Antonyms - careless, ignorant
    Example -
     During the teacher’s meeting, we were asked to deliberate our testing goals for the school year.
  • Demarcating (सीमांकन) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    set the boundaries or limits of
    Synonyms - 
    delimit, detach
    Antonyms - attach, combine
    Example - 
    The demarcation between teachers and learners.
  • Mapping (मानचित्रण) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    an operation that associates each element of a given set (the domain) with one or more elements of a second set (the range)
    Synonyms - 
    aligning, calculating
    Example - 
    The mapping of supply chains.
  • Catastrophe (तबाही) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering, a disaster
    Synonyms - 
    accident, tragedy
    Antonyms - advantage, benefit
    Example - 
    During the catastrophe over a thousand families lost their homes.
  • Perilous (जोखिम) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    full of danger or risk
    Synonyms - 
    delicate, threatening
    Antonyms - calm, certain
    Example - 
    You should avoid driving during the snowstorm because the icy roads are perilous.

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