Monday 20 February 2017

Vocab from: Newspaper- 20 February, 2017

Dear Readers, In all the competitive exams, Vocabulary questions are asked from newspapers. So, here we're going to post VOCABULARY BASED ON THE HINDU NEWSPAPER.

Click for Article: Champions’ league

Vocabulary in the Article -

  • Rivalries (प्रतिद्वंद्विता) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field
     conflict, contest
    Antonyms - 
    accord, agreement
    Example - 
    The rivalry between the two teams was a longstanding conflict.
  • Amplified (विस्तार से व्याख्या करना) - VerbMeaning - enlarge upon or add detail to (a story or statement)
    - intensify, magnify
    Antonyms - decrease, abridge
    Example - 
    Although salt tends to amplify the taste of food, it typically does not change it.
  • Riveting (रिपट) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    completely engrossing, compelling
    Synonyms - engaging, alluring
    Antonyms - boring, repulsive
    Example - 
    Our cat’s eyes were riveted on the sparkling bulbs on the Christmas tree.
  • Helmed (संचालन करना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    manage (an organization)
    Synonyms - 
    bring, contribute
    Antonyms - refuse, subtract
    Example -
     The chairman is to step down after four years at the helm.
  • Asserting (दावा करना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully
    Synonyms - 
    advance, defend
    Antonyms - abandon, conceal
    Example - 
    You need to learn to be assertive.
  • Daunting (चुनौतीपूर्ण) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    seeming difficult to deal with in prospect, intimidating
    Synonyms - 
    discourage, baffle
    Antonyms - calm, delight
    Example - 
    Going to a new school is a daunting experience for many young people.
  • Astutely (चतुर) - Adverb
    Meaning - 
    accurately assessing situations or people, perceptively
    Synonyms - 
    intelligently, sensibly
    Antonyms - awkwardly, unskillfully
    Example - 
    The astute thing to do at night is study your vocabulary.
  • Adaptability (अनुकूलनशीलता) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions
    Synonyms - 
    flexibility, versatility
    Example - 
    The tool is adaptable for a variety of uses.

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