Monday 9 October 2017

Strong Vocabulary From The Hindu

  • Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of spacetime caused by cataclysmic events in the universe such as colliding black holes or neutron stars.

ü  Ripple - a small wave on the surface of water
ü  Cataclysmic - changing a situation in a sudden, violent, and unpleasant way
ü  Collide - if people or things collide, they crash into each other

  • Hence the observatory offers a way of looking back in time to unravel mysteries pertaining to the early days of the universe’s existence.

ü  Unravel - to understand something complicated by thinking about it for a long time

  • An example was the effort made to bring some coherence into the source modelling.

ü  Coherence - the situation when the parts of something fit together in a natural or reasonable way

  • Time and clocks have held a special fascination for humankind down the ages.

ü  Fascination - something that interests or attracts people very strongly

  • Working with the humble fruit fly, the three scientists isolated a gene named period that studies had shown disrupted the fly’s circadian clock.

ü  Fruit fly - a very small fly that eats decaying fruit
ü  Isolate - to keep someone / something away from others
ü  Circadian - relating to a period of 24 hours, especially to the changes in people’s or animals’ bodies that happen during this period

  • It is this crucial human health angle that has spawned a mushrooming body of science centred on understanding the linkages between sleep and normal metabolic activity, and the potentially deleterious effect of sleep deprivation.

ü  Spawn - to cause something new, or many new things, to grow or start suddenly
ü  Mushrooming - to increase or develop very quickly
ü  Metabolic - relating to the chemical processes by which cells produce the energy and substances necessary for life
ü  Deleterious - harmful
ü  Deprivation - a situation in which people do not have basic things that they need to live a comfortable life

  • The ubiquitousness of the smartphone, tablet, computer and TV screens that may disrupt the circadian rhythm because of the light they emit is being studied extensively.

ü  Ubiquitousness - existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time
ü  Emit -  to send something out into the air, especially gas, light, or heat
ü  Extensively - in a way that covers or affects a large area

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